Among the ways he tried to woo her, he stated that God obviously allowed them to meet for a reason. So what's holding her back from sneaking off with him?
That notion appalled the woman most of all.
That's when I realized something. God is what you make of him.
- If you need a little infidelity in your life, there's a god (or allah) for that.
- If you need to be vindictive, then there's a god for that.
- If you need to hate others that are different than you, there's a god for that.
- If you need to feel accepted even though the scripture text of your religion calls your lifestyle an abomination, there's a god for that.
- If you need altruism to exist in the universe, there's a god for that.
- If you need to start up an inquisition, there's a god for that.
- Need to burn some crosses in somebody's yard? There's a god for that.
- Do you need god to be "she" rather than "he"? There's a goddess for that!
There is a god (or goddess) that can fit any need, belief, whim, or hate.
I will admit that some people who believe in god are inspired to love and care for others. People like that usually have a benevolent god in their lives. I think this is because such people happen to already be benevolent for prior reasons.
But even a confidence artist will say that God has caused his victims to cross his path.
Because that's the kind of god a confidence artist will serve.
God is merely a reflection of his worshipers' hearts-- a projection of the deep recesses found within a worshiper's mind.
In the end, God is what you make of him.